Central America, Travel

Our Friend Butters

Last week we went to the pool for a swim. Lucas and I (Judy) discovered a frog in the pool. It looked like the frog was having trouble climbing out. We were nervous at first to get near the frog (we are city dwellers). After much screaming, laughing and experimenting with how to get a frog out of a pool,…

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Central America, Travel

Visiting Volcán Masaya

When we arrived in Nicaragua at the end of February, our first stop was in Ometepe. It is an island in Lake Nicaragua that is made up of two volcanoes: Concepción and Maderas.  We hiked part of the way up Maderas, but Maderas is dormant. Earlier this month we drove two hours to visit the Masaya volcano, an active volcano.…

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Central America, Travel

Update During COVID in Nicaragua

We are now entering our fourth month in Nicaragua.  We were only supposed to be here for one month. We picked up our passports from immigration yesterday with our new 60-day stamp. We signed a two-month lease in a new house.  Our new house is in a community next door to where we were staying in April and May.  We…

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Central America, Travel

Driving Two Hours to go to McDonald’s

We took advantage of having a car and took a day trip to Managua after squaring away our visa extension paperwork. When we went last week, immigration would not process our request for a 60-day extension without a signed lease. We arrived at immigration at 7:45 am on Monday morning in Rivas to finalize the paperwork with our lease in…

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Central America, Travel

It Rained!!!

We have been in Nicaragua since February 26.  Other than two days with a few minutes of light sprinkle, we have not seen rain. It has been sunny and low 90s since we got here with the occasional overcast day. It was not so bad when we were out and about going to surfing lessons at the beach. Since we…

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Central America, Travel, Worldschooling

What Do We Do All Day

We often get asked what we do all day. Even if you have not asked us, you are probably thinking about it. We quit our 9-5 jobs, we pulled the kids out of school. What could we possibly do with our time? Before coronavirus, we were busy traveling and seeing the sights. Planning travel takes a lot of time. Also,…

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Central America, Travel

Nicaragua and the COVID-19 Pandemic

Many people are shocked that we chose to stay in Nicaragua when borders closed, and flights were stopping due to COVID-19. Many people were shocked when we told them we were going to Nicaragua. In the United States, most people have a negative connotation of Central American countries. The stereotypes of drug cartels and violent crimes are so strong that…

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Central America, Travel

Hairstyles of COVID-19

We were scheduled to be back in the United States in May.  We planned to get haircuts when we got back to the states.  Michael thought about getting a haircut here in San Juan Del Sur before COVID-19, but he never got around to it.  His hair is back in full force after losing much of it during his last…

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Central America, Travel

Throwback to Costa Rica, 2014

Being quarantined is making us, like many people, stir crazy.  We want to get out and continue to see the world! It has also made us reminisce about past travel. Since we are not able to go out and explore and share new adventures with you, we are looking back at some of the amazing travel we did in the…

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