Georgia – Work, Camping, and Play

After Tennessee, we headed back to Georgia. Lucas and Henry asked to go camping, so we headed to Stone Mountain for a long camping weekend. We went camping with some of our Atlanta friends. It was nice to reconnect. Our air mattress was too big for our tent, but we managed. Lucas and Henry are old enough now to take charge. They put up their tent and started and tended the fire.

We spent the day with my mom in Macon, Georgia. We shopped until we dropped and had Chinese food. Michael put us all to work, working on rental properties.

We surprised Lucas and Henry with tickets to see Ed Sheeran. It was their first concert. It was a fun show. He put on an entertaining show.

A trip to Atlanta would not be complete for Lucas without a Braves game. We also got to spend time with Emily, Jonathan, Milo, Josie, and Dexter.