The first official Cousins’ weekend took place in Charlotte in 2014. My brother Seth and his family met us in Charlotte, North Carolina at our cousin Josh’s house. We spent a weekend hanging out at their house and swimming at their community pool. At that time Josh and Kristen only had one son. Now they have three kids.

Almost ten years later, we still have cousin’s weekend. It is 48-72 hours of fun. The best part about these weekends is how relaxed it is. We do not fill every second of the weekend with activities. We don’t even leave the neighborhood.

Even though Lucas and Henry do not see the cousins enough, when they get together at cousin’s weekend, it’s like no time has passed. They all get along so well.

in 2021, we coordinated a cousin beach week. The kids ran a cousin’s breakfast restaurant that week. Nell ran Rubik’s Cube and Taekwondo workshops. Vivian taught a dance class, and we had fun hanging out at the beach. Michael’s sister and her family joined us for that week too. More cousins equals more fun!

We are grateful to Josh and Kristen for hosing cousins’ weekend every year. They squeeze us all into their house and feed us most meals. We love having these memories. It is fun to see how the cousins are growing up.