
In addition to being a mom, Judy is a corporate lawyer.  She enjoys reading and writing and of course, traveling. The most exciting part of traveling for Judy is getting out of her comfort zone by exploring new places and meeting new people.

Michael is an energetic and fun-loving husband and father with an entrepreneurial spirit.  He has a knack for figuring out how to get things done.  Michael enjoys finding unique experiences when he travels, like playing ping pong with locals. 


Lucas is sweet and athletic with dimples that will melt your heart. He loves playing and watching all sports, but American football is his favorite.  He has learned a lot of life skills from traveling. He likes to help shop, cook, and navigate.

Henry is charismatic, strong-willed, and clever. He keeps us on our toes. He likes to be the center of attention. When he has the spotlight, he is very entertaining. Henry loves meeting other kids. He makes friends wherever he goes.