We try not to visit Arizona in the summer, but this year it was our only chance to visit Michael’s family. We braved the heat and had a fun time. Melissa and Mike have a great house and a pool, and they recently added an RV garage, casita, and pickleball court. We played a lot of pickleball in the morning…
Author: Admin
Our Last Days in North Carolina
We had a wonderful time with my dad and Kay in North Carolina. We have a good rhythm when we are there. Lucas and I often play tennis with my dad and his tennis group. We play pickleball in the driveway. We walk a two-mile loop almost every morning. Vivian spent a few more days with us after the beach.…
The History of Cousins’ Weekend
The first official Cousins’ weekend took place in Charlotte in 2014. My brother Seth and his family met us in Charlotte, North Carolina at our cousin Josh’s house. We spent a weekend hanging out at their house and swimming at their community pool. At that time Josh and Kristen only had one son. Now they have three kids. Almost ten…
Seabrook Island
We coordinated a family beach week in Seabrook Island, South Carolina. Not everyone in our large family could make it, but there were twelve of us. We stayed in a beautiful house, steps from the ocean. Seabrook Island is a private community about an hour south of Charleston, South Carolina. The island has golf and tennis. Sea turtles lay eggs…
Lucas is a Teenager!
It’s official. Lucas is a teenager! Lucas turned 13 in June. He had two requests for his birthday. He wanted to play pickleball and see a Braves Game. We made it happen even though we were on our way home from Michigan. We stopped in Cincinnati the day before Lucas’ birthday because the Braves were in town playing the Reds.…
Sleep Away Camp and Seeing Worldschooling Friends
Henry was excited to pack up and go back to Camp Kanuga this summer. He had a great time last summer at his one-week starter camp. This year Lucas went to Camp Kanuga with Henry for nine days. Lucas went white water rafting. Henry did rock climbing. Michael and I stayed in North Carolina with my dad while they were…
Georgia – Work, Camping, and Play
After Tennessee, we headed back to Georgia. Lucas and Henry asked to go camping, so we headed to Stone Mountain for a long camping weekend. We went camping with some of our Atlanta friends. It was nice to reconnect. Our air mattress was too big for our tent, but we managed. Lucas and Henry are old enough now to take…
Being in the United States means family, family, and more family. The first stop was in Nashville to belatedly celebrate Michael’s sister’s 40th birthday. We rented a house with Melissa, Michael’s mom, Jeanie, and several of Melissa’s friends. We saw live music, ate great food, and escaped from an escape room. We also took a bicycle pub tour downtown. It…
Cousin Time in North Carolina
We picked up Vivian from the Netherlands to bring her to North Carolina for her school break. We used sky miles to get home, and we had a marathon trip from the Netherlands to Greensboro airport, stopping in London and Pennsylvania. My brother Sam and his wife AC joined us in North Carolina. We celebrated Sam’s birthday with our tradition…
The Netherlands
We made a pit stop in the Netherlands on our way back to the United States to pick up our niece Vivian. She is spending her school break with us in North Carolina. We had a marathon 24-hour trip from Siwa to the Netherlands. It started with a 9-hour drive from Siwa to Cairo. We spent eight hours in the…