By Lucas and Henry
While we were in Buenos Aires, we took tango lessons. Tango is a dance you do with a partner, and you mainly use your feet. You can go fast and slow. It started in 1880 in the ports of Argentina and Uruguay. Tango was practiced by immigrants. It was a way for them to communicate with each other.
Our dad found the tango lessons on Facebook. He thought it would be a good idea for us to try and learn a little tango while in Argentina. Our teacher’s name is Valerie. She is a nice teacher. After just four classes, we got a good understanding of the basics of tango. We learned the embrace, the walk, the cross, and figure eight.

While we were doing tango lessons we also went to a Milonga with our tango teacher. A Milonga is an event where you can dance the tango with other people. Henry was brave and danced with Valerie. We dared Valerie to ask someone to dance, and she did! The way you ask someone to dance the tango with you at the Milonga is to look in their eyes from across the room and they will nod if they want to dance.

After every tango class, we walked to the mall that was four blocks away. We found a lot of good food in the food court. There were three McDonalds, sushi, Chinese, Wendys, KFC, donuts, and several ice cream places. Henry usually had McDonald’s, and Lucas had Wendy’s and sushi.

Besides food, we watched two movies at the movie theater. It was cheap with the blue dollar rate and with half-price Wednesday, we couldn’t resist. It was $4 a person per movie. We watched Top Gun Maverick in D-box. D-box is seats that move when there is action in the movie. Like when the jet flies it feels like you are in the jet. We also saw Jurassic Park in 3D for $23 for the whole family, including popcorn.