Forever Wild

Community is a big focus of our travels. Traveling the world is exciting, but doing it with friends is even better. We reunited with one of our favorite traveling families, the Sigstons. We are participating in a hub called Forever Wild in Krabi, Thailand. Forever Wild is a program started by two educators who want to travel the world with their children.     

Lucas and Henry go to a program four days a week with kids of all ages.  They tackle writing, music, movement, and other enrichment activities. We have to pack a lunch for them, which we are out of practice doing. Outside of that time, they stay busy going to Muay Thai/Ju Jitsu, chess club, philosophy club, and more. The adults get together to do things like book clubs, fitness classes, or go for coffee.

The first week of the hub, it was just Henry and me. Michael and Lucas were in Vietnam at a pickleball tournament (See previous post). We settled into the house in Krabi we are sharing with the Sigstons. We found the grocery stores, sorted out laundry, and researched excursions and activities for the month. It takes a few days when we arrive in a new place to find our groove. 

We celebrated our friend Dexter’s birthday with a pool party.  We saw an incredible fire show at the Fun Garden where the Forever Wild program happens.

Henry and I went back to Spirit Mountain for rock climbing. We spent two weeks last October at Spirit Mountain doing a worldschool hub with NatureMind-ED, an organization doing great things for the environment in Krabi.

Worldschooling Eco-Adventure in Krabi, Thailand

Henry and I challenged ourselves and conquered some hard rock climbing courses. We were both extremely sore the next day. Several parents climbed as well and we all had a wonderful time. There is something so beneficial about  disconnecting from technology and getting out in nature.  

Henry plays D&D online with friends he met last year in Bulgaria. He also plays Fortnite, Roblox, and Minecraft with other friends he met in Bulgaria and whom we traveled with late last year in Asia. We love that Lucas and Henry continue to make friends we stay in touch with even if we aren’t on the same side of the world. They are making more friends in Krabi.

We have four more weeks in Krabi. Henry and I are excited to be reunited with Michael and Lucas. We are all looking forward to making connections and exploring Krabi.