The Watkins don’t sit still for long. After a few weeks in North Carolina, we packed our car and headed west. The first stop was in Colorado. Our friends, the McDougall’s, who we first met in Bulgaria and traveled within Asia, are in Longmont, CO. We spent 10 days with them. Lucas and Henry get along so well with their sons Austin and Aiden.
The boys spent almost every second together. They camped in the basement for sleepovers, rode bikes and scooters to Costco and Dunkin, and went to the rec center to play basketball. Michael and I had a good time catching up with Melanie and Eric. They are great hosts. We felt at home in their home. We cooked dinners together, went for walks, and had long conversations about life. Michael, Eric, and Lucas went to a golf simulator. Melanie and I went to a comedy show. The boys had a poker nights.
We got outfitted for skis in Longmont. We are skiing just long enough and in different places that it makes more sense to buy used skis than to rent them. Eric and Melanie introduced us to a nice guy named Gene who sells used gear out of his house. We got all of our ski gear from Gene at a reasonable price, and he taught us how to fit the bindings and wax the skis.
We also saw our friends Paula, Maddie, and Austin. We first met them at our first worldschool hub in Ecuador. Michael and I went to dinner with our old roommate and friend Emily and her husband, Chuck. We make it a point to see them when we are in the Denver area.
We have made such great friendships on our worldschooling journey. It is great when we reconnect.