Travel, United States, Worldschooling

Spending Time with Family

We have taken a short pause in our travel adventure to spend time with family. We may not be exploring exotic locations, but we are still making wonderful memories. Having the flexibility to spend extended time with family is a blessing. After our 14-day quarantine was over we did a lot of hugging. We got to hug grandmas and aunts…

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Quarantining, Travel, United States

We Discovered a Bike Park!

We stumbled a gem during our one-week quarantine in Atlanta. We found North Cooper Lake Park, a mountain bike park about 25 minutes from my (Judy) sister’s house in Sandy Springs. The park is 51 acres. It has a community garden, a playground, green space, and mountain bike trails. We picked the park because it was in between where we…

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Quarantining, Travel, United States

Quarantining in a Cabin

Coming back to the states with COVID is strange. Not being able to hug family and friends for 14 days is hard. Our visit with grandma Miriam was nice but different. After visiting with family and friends, we headed up to North Georgia to spend part of our quarantine in the mountains. Going to the mountains was a great way…

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Central America, Flying and COVID, Travel, United States

Flying During COVID

We said goodbye to Nicaragua and headed back to the United States.  Commercial airlines are not yet flying in and out of Nicaragua, so we booked a charter flight from Managua, Nicaragua to Miami, Florida.  From Miami, we flew Delta Airlines to Atlanta. We were nervous about getting on airplanes and heading back to the United States. We were not…

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Central America, Worldschooling

Fort Building

Lucas and Henry built a fort. They spent several weeks spending hours in the woods with their friend Tye building the fort and playing in it. Fort building is a great way to learn by playing. There are several skills you can learn from fort building. Team-building- Lucas, Henry, and Tye all had roles in building the fort. Lucas was…

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Central America, Travel

Saying Goodbye to Nicaragua

We arrived in Nicaragua at the end of February. We had a flight booked to go to Mexico at the end of March. Six months later we are now saying goodbye to Nicaragua. It is bittersweet to be leaving this beautiful country, but we are excited to start a new adventure. We are flying back to the United States for…

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Central America, Travel

Friendship and Henna Tattoos

We have been traveling now for about 9 months. One of the things we were most looking forward to about long term travel was meeting people. COVID has made meeting new people more challenging, but we have met a lot of wonderful people on our travels so far. For the last three months, the boys have been hanging out with…

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