Michael’s family lives in Arizona, so we always plan to spend time there. We love spending time with Mike, Melissa, Violet, and Barrett. They are gracious to have us stay with them. They have an amazing setup: a beautiful house, a gym, and a backyard with a trampoline, a playset, a pool, and a pickleball court. The last time we saw Melissa and her family was in Asia. They always make it out to visit us, and we love that.
On the way to Arizona, we stopped at a company called FrameTec. We invested in the company, and the CEO gave us a tour of the warehouse and operations. It is a revolutionary solution in the homebuilding industry. It was fascinating to see the improvements to old processes and automation that the company has created. It was a good experience for Lucas and Henry to see how the warehouse runs and hear the CEO’s story about how the business was made.
Winter is a great time to visit Arizona. We last visited Arizona in the summer, and that was hot. In winter, the temperature is perfect for a long day outdoors. We always have a lot of plans when we are with Michael’s family in Arizona. Michael, Lucas, and Henry are getting their pickleball fix. The cousins fall into an easy rhythm right away. Michael’s mom comes to Melissa’s house to play games and visit. Uncle Mike gave the kids a lesson in gun safety. Mike and Melissa have a gym and a cold plunge, so we work out and take the plunge. We went to a Superbowl Party, and I joined Melissa at Bunco. We went with Barrett and Violet to a Valentine’s Day homeschool meetup and wandered around Costco looking at all the things we don’t need. Michael and I also caught up with our worldschool friends.
Michael, Lucas, Henry, and Melissa played in a pickleball tournament in Mesa. Melissa played with Henry, Lucas, and Michael throughout the tournament. Lucas also played singles. They are definitely in their happy place here playing so much pickleball.