We took the weekend off from skiing to drive to Las Vegas. It is only a three-hour drive from Brian Head. Our friends, the McIntyres, who we met at a worldschool hub in Ecuador, were in Las Vegas for the weekend for a National Cheerleading competition. Their son Austin was competing.

We checked into our hotel on the strip and then went to their rental house for dinner on Friday night. Saturday was a slow morning. The cheerleading competition was not until Saturday night. Michael and I worked out at the gym. Michael, Lucas, and Henry went to see BattleBots Destruct-A-Thon. They like watching the TV show and were excited to see it in person. We also ate a a delicious vegan restaurant where I had a buffalo, blue cheese “chicken” sandwich.
The cheerleading competition was fun to watch. It was a junior national competition with 98 teams competing. Austin did a great job. He is a flyer, so he gets raised into the air. We are excited to see our friends and it’s a bonus when we get to support them in their activities.
On Sunday, we checked out of our hotel and went to Meow Wolf. It is an interactive art exhibit that feels like you are in a surreal, colorful dream. Each room was packed with strange and whimsical designs, from glowing forests to futuristic spaces. The Omega Mart was full of fun and funny products from Plausible Deniability laundry detergent to Muscle Fresh Bodybuilder’s toothpaste. We spent hours exploring the immersive installations, solving puzzles, and taking endless photos. It is a must-see spot for anyone looking to experience something unique with friends!
It was a short trip, but so fun and full of laughs. We are thankful for the friends we have met on our worldschooling journey.