Kuala Lumpur, Week Two

Our second week in Malaysia was packed with fun. The moms went out twice for our book club. We may or may not talk about books, but it is a chance to catch up without the kids around. The parents also went out for an afternoon in Chinatown and attended a talk about spirituality conducted by one of the parents Dr. Yong Kuan Yew.

The kids had another great week at the hub. They explored several parks during the week. It is great that they get to see a lot of the city. They also had a fun day at Sunway Velocity Two playing capture the flag and other games with some of the parents. Henry went to book club and craft club. Lucas attended Philosophy run by our friend Chris.

Lucas and Michael found pickleball. We also had our teeth cleaned, and the dentist reminded Henry of the proper way to brush his teeth.

Lucas, Henry, and a few of their friends tried fencing. They liked it so much that they signed up for the month. It is a lot of work, but they are enjoying it.

This week we celebrated birthdays. Our friend Kai had a birthday party with a magician. Our friends Josh and Gabe celebrated their birthdays at Sunway Lagoon. Lucas, Henry, and I had a great day riding the waterslides with our friends.

We are now almost half way through our stay in Kuala Lumpur. Time flies when you are having fun.