Travel, Worldschooling

Ways We Cut Down on Cost When we Travel

Now that we are traveling full-time we have to think differently about how we travel. We used to spend a lot of money on vacations because we only had a couple of weeks a year and we felt like we couldn’t leave much to chance. Now we think about travel differently since we are more flexible and we have been…

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Travel, United States

So This is 40

This day has been looming over me for a while. Once you enter into your mid-30s, 40 is the next big milestone. Destination 40th birthdays have been a thing for a while now. I have friends that have gone to Vegas, Mexico, and the Dominican Republic to celebrate their 40th birthdays.  When we were first planning our travel adventure, I…

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United States

About Winston-Salem

Winston-Salem, North Carolina is rich in history. Moravians immigrated from Eastern Europe to North Carolina as early as 1753. The town of Salem was established in 1766 by Moravians. It was known for arts and culture and it was a bustling trading center in the 18th and 19th centuries.  Salem sold land to the county of Forsyth in 1849, which…

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Modeling Behavior

Michael and I have many hopes and dreams for our kids. We want to create a path for them that helps them open whatever doors they want to open. We want them to be respectful, thoughtful, tolerant, compassionate, hard-working and most of all happy.  If we want them to be all of those things, then we need to model those…

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Travel, United States, Worldschooling


Since we have been in North Carolina I (Judy) have developed a routine of walking when I wake up in the morning. Sometimes I will listen to an audiobook or music. Other times I will use that time to reflect on the previous day or think about the day ahead. It is 40 minutes a day that is mine. It…

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Central America, Travel

6 months in Nicaragua Cost us $20,000.

Our family of 4 spent 6 months living in San Juan Del Sur, Nicaragua. We looked back at our numbers to see how much it cost us to live there. We spent $20,000 or $3300 per month. We go into detail about these expenses in this post. Lodging Our lodging cost about $1,150 per month. We stayed in three different…

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Quarantining, United States

When life gives you COVID, Golf

We are spending several weeks in North Carolina. We are not traveling, but we are finding plenty to do. We cannot fit golf clubs in our backpacks, so the boys are excited to have the opportunity to play golf.They are learning the art of golf from their grandpa and from Michael. They are sharpening their skills at the driving range…

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Travel, United States, Worldschooling

We Play Games

We spend a lot of time together these days. One way we love to pass the time is to play games. Games are great for learning and laughs. When traveling, we have to bring games that do not take up too much space in our suitcase. Luckily there are several games that have a small footprint.  Here are some of…

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Travel, United States

Donuts- It’s a Tradition

Fluffy, sugary and oh so sweet A favorite treat we love to eat For birthdays and the first day of school Any occasion — donuts rule! Icing and sprinkles, Old fashioned for mom. Apple fritter for Michael. Donuts are the bomb Our donut tradition started long ago. A silly tradition, yes we know. It’s not about the donut break. It’s…

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Travel, Worldschooling

We are Rich . . . in Love and Time

People ask us how we can afford our new nomadic lifestyle. The answer is that it is much more affordable than our old lifestyle.  Money. We need it for housing, clothing, food, transportation, and health. We want it to buy a big house, designer clothes, the latest gadgets, fancy food, and more. We were making good money in Atlanta, but…

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