Travel, United States

Cooling Off in California

We had a monster travel day from Seattle, Washington to Sunnyvale, California. 15 hours with stops. We had to pop into Aunt Beckala and Uncle Joe’s house because we left Lucas and Henry’s bows that they made in bushcraft there. Luckily it was on the way.  My brother Sam and his wife AC live in Sunnyvale. Unfortunately, we were not able…

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Travel, United States

Seattle in the Summer

Seattle is a place we have always wanted to visit. Michael’s high school friend Brian, his wife Michelle and their dog Pepper were kind enough to host us in their beautiful home. We only spent two days in Seattle. Definitely not long enough, but enough time to know that we want to see more someday. We went to Pikes Peak…

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Flying and COVID, Travel, United States

Exploring Alaska

When we were in Seattle, Michael could not resist flying up to Alaska. “We are so close!” He said. Michael was only four states away from having been to all 50, and Alaska is a tough one, so I was not going to argue. Also, it is true. We were the closest we have ever been. We found a cheap…

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Travel, United States

Eugene, Oregon

We have had a fast travel pace since leaving Montana. We were in Whitefish, Montana for two months and now the longest we are anywhere until July is a few days.  We traveled from Montana to Oregon to visit Michael’s Aunt Beckelah and Uncle Joe. It was our first visit to Oregon.  On our way there, we stopped in Coeur…

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United States, Worldschooling

Montana Hybrid Academy

Lucas and Henry finished up their semester at Montana Hybrid Academy (MHA) They absolutely loved it. We are glad that we went out to Montana to meet Paz (the founder) and most of the kids in the school. It was a great two months. MHA is not a traditional school. MHA focuses on developing the whole child in a…

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Travel, United States

Our Second Visit to Glacier National Park

We headed back to Glacier National Park and were wonderfully surprised that the Going-to-the-Sun Road was open a little more. We were able to drive all the way up to Avalanche Creek. We did a 5-mile hike to Avalanche Lake. It was an incredible hike and the view at the end was breathtaking. The hike up to Avalanche Lake is…

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Travel, United States, Worldschooling

Not Every Day is an Adventure

Most people probably think we live an exotic life because we travel, but it is often a pretty normal life with school, work, chores, and grocery shopping. Lucas and Henry are winding down their semester at the Montana Hybrid Academy. They have made great friends and had a lot of fun learning. One of their favorite projects was making crystals.…

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Travel, United States

Our First Visit to Glacier National Park

Montana is a beautiful state. Whitefish and the surrounding area are so different from Atlanta. Everywhere you turn there is a wild animal or a breathtaking view. We can see how people fall in love with this area. The pace of life here is slower. The people are nice. Glacier National Park is so close. We made our first trip…

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Travel, United States

Honorary Lumberjacks

Michael loves fire. At our place in Montana, there is a fire pit next to the lake. It is the perfect place to relax. There is a field for the boys to run around and play catch. Michael did not want to have to buy firewood at the grocery store each time we had a fire because it is expensive.…

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