Traveling today is easier in many ways than it was when Michael and I were growing up. We have GPS to get around, FaceTime and texting to stay in touch with family and friends, Facebook Groups to find out what is going on in the cities you are visiting, and most of the comforts of home can be found in…
Author: Admin
Thanksgiving 2021
Thanksgiving this year for us was in Atlanta. My brother Sam and his family flew in from California. Lucas and Henry were excited to spend time with their cousins Nell and Vivian. My sister Emily was the hostess with the mostess. We had an eventful week. It started with Lucas playing in a tennis tournament in Atlanta. He won one…
Saying Goodbye
We have been on a wild ride. We wouldn’t change it right now, but there are things about a nomadic lifestyle that are difficult. One of the hardest things is having to say goodbye. We meet great people wherever we go, but then we move on. We seem to stay long enough to start making friends before we pick up…
A Boy’s Trip to Williamsburg, VA
Lucas, Henry, and Michael took a week-long boy’s trip to Williamsburg, VA. They stayed at a time-share property in a 4-bedroom place that was made up of 2, 2-bedroom units. The boys thought that they wanted to stay by themselves, but they ended up sleeping with Michael in one unit and using the second unit as a hangout during the…
A Pinterest Fail, Halloween, and Henry’s Birthday
For Henry’s birthday, I attempted to make Minecraft cake pops. Henry loves cake pops. He asks to get them every time we pass a Starbucks. I am not a baker. I can follow a recipe, but I would not win any competitions. The only reason I tried was that my sister was in town and she has some baking knowledge.…
Fun in the Sun in Phoenix, AZ
Michael’s family lives in Arizona, so we try to get out there to visit at least once a year. This was our second visit this year. Our first visit was in July and it was hot. The weather was much nicer this time. We stayed with Michael’s sister and family. They have a beautiful house with an acre of land,…
weFLEW at iFLY
Skydiving is something Michael and I always wanted to do, but now that we have kids it is not on the top of our bucket list. Indoor skydiving is the next best thing. We have had an iFLY voucher for over two years and we finally got around to doing it. You can use the voucher at any iFLY and…
Fun in the Mud in Heber, AZ
We took our first flight since coming back last year from Nicaragua and traveled to Arizona. Michael’s family lives in Arizona. The last time we visited Arizona was in June and it was 110+ degrees. The weather is much nicer this time around – 80s during the day and 50s and 60s at night. The first week we were in…
The 30 Day Tennis Challenge
Organized team sports are not practical for us because we do a lot of traveling. We want to make sure the boys are staying active while we traveled, so they are learning tennis. Tennis is a sport that can be played all over the United States and in many other countries. Michael and I grew up playing tennis. Michael played…
Pigeon Forge
Pigeon Forge was not on the top of our list of places to visit. We planned to go with friends who suggested it. Our friends ended up not being able to go with us, but we ended up spending the week there and having a great time. Pigeon Forge is a fun place for kids Lucas and Henry’s age. We…